
BIM applied to design , construction and site management of underground metro project

Andrea Mayol

Politecnico di Milano

Conteco Spa


The BIM methodology applied to underground metro project does not involve benefit only for the engineering company and so from the preliminary design until the work shop drawings from the final model, but also for the general contractor who gets the model have to start building it.

Unlike engineering company which have already started  the BIM methodology passage in infrastructure project, the general contract are still far from this work methodology and an updating of the site operating departments is absolutely necessary, to make them suitable to be independent for the model management from any consultants and/or by the same engineering company, to allow a better communication between all the site departments in construction phases and a better management of all the subcontractors involved in all the specific works like drilling , tunneling , excavation, electromechanical works. The general contractor however have to revise its site internal informatics system, its organization chart and all the communication systems between its internal departments and with external company.

The BIM advantages applied to underground infrastructure are a better and especially integrated document managment regarding the design, construction and commissioning phase with conseguent advantages to all the project phase, from tender to commissioning.

However, it is clear which the first actor who have to impose the BIM methodology have to be the client, as a final user of the project.

Thereby also other advanced contract forms like  Design and Build, EPC until to ECI (Early Contractual Involvement) should be converted in the BIM methodology where by its nature all project aspects are treated both in terms of time that disciplinary as can be seen from the BIM Model Guide line analysis of the country which already have the BIM (BIM Execution Plan).

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