Global parametrization of infrastructural BIM models
Samo Saje
University of Ljubljana
Global parametrization of infrastructural BIM models
Samo Saje
University of Ljubljana
In this thesis, we address BIM models global parametrization, with an emphasis on infrastructural models. We introduce building information modelling technology, explore the degree of its implementation and show the further development forecasts. Following is an overview of different infrastructural building types and their properties, as well as the presentation of the design process. In the core part of the thesis, we define the role of information modelling in the field of infrastructure and show an example of BIM technology use in the design of the Karavanke tunnel second tube. At the same time, we identify problems and constraints in the modelling process and show the benefits of parametrization. Next, we explore software and design process development, and define different parametric modelling types. We show the basic Revit functions, present the specific tools and techniques, used in parametric models creation process and show their practical application.
We investigate the needs for parametrization and present the advantages of infrastructural buildings parametric modelling. With a bridge modelling example, we demonstrate global parametrization development process for infrastructural BIM models and parametric components production using Revit software. We introduce parametric families development approach, establishing connections and BIM model global parametrization. At the same time, we highlight development and modelling problems and explore parametrization tools development. In the last part, we determine use possibilities for parametric models. We show use examples using the created global parametric model. Finally, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of global parametrization and highlight opportunities for further development.
See the Master thesis here -> https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=96468&lang=eng